BOOGIE PILGRIM - Antananarivo, Madagascar
1 Review
BOOGIE PILGRIMIle aux Oiseaux Tsarasaotra, 12149(+261) 20 22 530 70
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Ile aux Oiseaux Tsarasaotra, 12149, Antananarivo, Madagascar
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(+261) 20 22 530 69
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BOOGIE PILGRIMIle aux Oiseaux Tsarasaotra, 12149(+261) 20 22 530 70
Madagascar in Depth Tour with Boogie Pilgrim Tours and Native Eye tours.
Tour began 8 October 2016 for 21 days.Was trip of a life time. Saw 69 species of animals & and birds. The Itinerary always ran punctually, smoothly and without hitches. We were never left wanting for anything.Congratulations Boogie Pilgrim Tours and Native Eye Tours. We had excellent driver/guide for 16 days. He was Haja Ramiarinarivoarisoa who was fun, looked after his group very well. He was very knowledgeable, considerate ad helpful and went the extra mile to meet the abilities and wishes of the group where he could. We had a lovely river trip for 3 days with Ernest Neste as .The boat crew were also fun and very good. and Eric was an excellent chef. We had Jimmy for our driver/guide for 3 days to Brickville. He was also very knowledgeable and interesting who also went the extra mile for his group.We had many other guides along the way, who were also fantastic, enjoyable and very knowledgeable. This trip was truly in depth, educational and an experience not to be missed.I would highly recommend this trip to anyone aspiring to visit Madagascar.It is extremely well organised with very good accommodation and food.
Tour began 8 October 2016 for 21 days.Was trip of a life time. Saw 69 species of animals & and birds. The Itinerary always ran punctually, smoothly and without hitches. We were never left wanting for anything.Congratulations Boogie Pilgrim Tours and Native Eye Tours. We had excellent driver/guide for 16 days. He was Haja Ramiarinarivoarisoa who was fun, looked after his group very well. He was very knowledgeable, considerate ad helpful and went the extra mile to meet the abilities and wishes of the group where he could. We had a lovely river trip for 3 days with Ernest Neste as .The boat crew were also fun and very good. and Eric was an excellent chef. We had Jimmy for our driver/guide for 3 days to Brickville. He was also very knowledgeable and interesting who also went the extra mile for his group.We had many other guides along the way, who were also fantastic, enjoyable and very knowledgeable. This trip was truly in depth, educational and an experience not to be missed.I would highly recommend this trip to anyone aspiring to visit Madagascar.It is extremely well organised with very good accommodation and food.
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